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The note from the GE - Printable Version

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The note from the GE - wuyazhong - 12-31-2021

Hey, gals and guys! Tas here is your friendly RSOF lurker. Anyways! I wanted to inform you about the way I was scammed, and the best way to avoid it. Nobody I've spoken to has heard about this before, however I keyed it together in my brain, and just make sure that you don't fall for it yourselves.

Beware of those who offer high costs for junk that is extremely massive. "Need 300 steel pickaxes! Each will be sold at 10k. The above happened to ge. As promised, I was given one or two steel pickaxes by the person who was using them.

I thought waaay too fast and ran to the store to buy a few more. They didn't buy. They didn't buy anymore. Before I realized that I was increased the price up to the 2k, 3k and 4k range - just to get the buy, so I could get that stupidly huge profit that was offered by this user ("10k per person! You will need 300 pickaxes!

I spent a few mill on pickaxes of 100 or 200, which mysteriously bought in that exact amount. I ran back to my ge user and the user logged in. It's clear what transpired. He bought himself pickaxes and then made a "Sell" offer for a ridiculously high price that no one (save, maybe, for desperate cluers at lvl 1?) Then he announced that he wanted to purchase pickaxes for an even higher price than the price he had offered the pickaxes for.

The note from the GE said that his offer was over, and he logged off. The account had a bunch of gibberish for a name, as I mentioned, so I imagine the money will be switched over to a main account at some point. tongue.png

Again, be wary of others who post similar "OMFG must buy naoo!" messages. Especially if they need a large bulk of a junk item that isn't readily available in your region. It's possible to feel a bit foolish and lonely in the GE. Cheers!
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