Certified Ethical Hacking – CEH
About Lesson

The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) is a professional designation for a person who has obtained a qualification that allows them to perform specific services for various companies. As their name would suggest, ethical hackers are certified personnel qualified to penetrate a company’s computer systems (by their permission) in an attempt at determining whether there are any vulnerabilities. Additionally, an ethical hacker will also undertake all preventive and corrective measures needed to protect the system against any real attacks that may happen in the future.

It’s important to remember that cybercrime is at an all-time high. By 2021, the total amount of damages as a result of cybercrime is expected to reach a whopping $6 trillion per year. What’s more, over 43% of businesses have reported a cyber-security breach over the past year. To make matters even worse, only 27% of businesses have a formal cybersecurity policy put in place. One of the few silver linings to be had here is that almost three quarters (74%) consider cybersecurity as a top priority.

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  1. Introduction to Ethical Hacking
  2. Footprinting and Reconnaissance
  3. Scanning Networks
  4. Enumeration
  5. Vulnerability Analysis
  6. System Hacking
  7. Malware Threats
  8. Sniffing
  9. Social Engineering
  10. Denial-of-Service
  11. Session Hijacking
  12. Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots
  13. Hacking Web Servers
  14. Hacking Web Applications
  15. SQL Injection
  16. Hacking Wireless Networks
  17. Hacking Mobile Platforms
  18. IoT Hacking
  19. Cloud Computing
  20. Cryptography
  21. Labs