How to hack Windows Password

In this practical scenario, we are going to crack Windows account with a simple passwordWindows uses NTLM hashes to encrypt passwords. We will use the NTLM cracker tool in Cain and Abel to do that.

Cain and Abel cracker can be used to crack passwords using;

Dictionary attack

Brute force


We will use the dictionary attack in this example. You will need to download the dictionary attack wordlist here

For this demonstration, we have created an account called Accounts with the password qwerty on Windows 7.

How to crack password of an Application

Password cracking steps

Open Cain and Abel, you will get the following main screen

How to crack password of an Application

Make sure the cracker tab is selected as shown above

Click on the Add button on the toolbar.

The following dialog window will appear

The local user accounts will be displayed as follows. Note the results shown will be of the user accounts on your local machine.

How to crack password of an Application

Right click on the account you want to crack. For this tutorial, we will use Accounts as the user account.

How to crack password of an Application

The following screen will appear

How to crack password of an Application

Right click on the dictionary section and select Add to list menu as shown above

Browse to the 10k most common.txt file that you just downloaded

How to crack password of an Application

Click on start button

If the user used a simple password like qwerty, then you should be able to get the following results.

How to crack password of an Application

Note: the time taken to crack the password depends on the password strength, complexity and processing power of your machine.

If the password is not cracked using a dictionary attack, you can try brute force or cryptanalysis attacks.

Hope this article helpful for you. Thank You

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