WhatsApp has become an integral part of our daily lives. It is a messenger app that is meant to connect people together. WhatsApp helps us send messages, documents, share media, etc with the existing contacts on the phone. The user base of WhatsApp is massive and there are currently billions of active users of WhatsApp at this very moment. Whatsapp is used for personal and professional communication regularly.
There are several options available to reset one’s WhatsApp two-step verification PIN. So, we will show you the various ways through which one can reset WhatsApp’s two-step verification PIN with the help of an email address and without the help of an email address.
How to reset PIN with an Email Address
If a person has set up an email address during the time of setting up two-step verification, we can reset the pin immediately by requesting a reset link.
Step 1: Open WhatsApp on your Android or iOS device.
Step 2: Then, tap ‘forgot PIN?’.
Step 3: Choose ‘send email’.
A reset link will be sent to the email address you have provided.
Step 4: Follow the reset link in the email and tap ‘confirm’.
Step 5: Open WhatsApp and tap ‘forgot PIN?’
Step 6: Then, tap on ‘reset’.
Important point: Reinstalling or deleting WhatsApp will not disable or reset the PIN for two-step verification.
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How to reset PIN without an Email Address
In this process, the user will have to wait for 7 days to reset the PIN if:
- You forgot the email address to reset the PIN.
- Someone else had set up the two-step verification PIN before you started to use this phone number.
- You have not provided an email address to reset the PIN.
After the 7-day period
Step 1: Open WhatsApp on your Android or iOS device.
Step 2: Then, tap ‘forgot PIN?’ and ‘reset’.
Hope this article helpful for you. Thank You
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