How Videos Can Help Digital Marketing Organizations Grow?

Did you know that there has been a 52% increase in video content consumption in the last two years? Not just that, 82% of all Internet users prefer watching videos to reading posts on social media. These statistics show that videos will be a big part of growth for digital marketing organizations.

Another phenomenon that has seen increased growth in the last few years is social media. These platforms realize the importance of videos and have optimized their sites for video content.

People spend more time every day watching videos when compared to television. This gap is 2 hours 20 minutes. Digital marketers have an outsized opportunity target audience using video.

Marketing agencies typically have different strategies for branding and performance. A well-followed media practice is to use video for branding alone. Video marketing is an integral part of branding and performance due to its popularity. It is safe to say that a digital marketing agency cannot grow without a video strategy.

How can digital marketing agencies build their growth strategy? How does video help in meeting the growth goals? Why is video the right strategy for growth objectives? This article answers all these questions. It also outlines how video helps in increasing sales and growth.

Better Representation of Marketing Messages

Digital marketing organizations can create a strong personality through their video content. Marketers use video content across media platforms, including on the business website, to capitalize on the short visits by potential customers but put the marketing message across in a short period.

Video messages on social media can go viral. High-quality relatable videos trigger organic sharing turning content viral. Video content going viral is equal to free advertising for your marketing organization. Organic sharing also is a signal that potential customers like the marketing message.

Increased Customer Engagement

Go to any influencer’s page on any media platform. Look at the engagement on their text posts and video posts. You will notice that video posts have higher engagement than text posts. People respond better to video content and engage more.

Digital marketing agencies can use video ads to engage with their customers. Responding to customers’ comments goes a long way in creating trust. There is merit in responding to both positive and negative comments. Customer trust increases the chance of customers doing repeat business and growth.  

Another creative way digital marketing agencies can grow is by paying attention to customer feedback. Customer engagement is usually invaluable feedback on what is working well and what is not. Bank on this insight and improve the product. Customer feedback shows what needs to be tweaked in the video marketing messages and makes them more appealing.

Easy Product Demo Opportunity

Videos make an excellent format for product demos. Digital marketing agencies can leverage this power to create excellent promo videos of their product offering.Today’s video production tools enable agencies  to fine tune their messaging and for their audience. A video maker tool thus gives you the capability to deliver your messages in the most relevant, appealing and engaging way.

A simple and clear video that connects through emotion will effectively explain the product value to potential customers. Marketing agencies therefore must make videos an integral part of product launches.

Demos are best showcased in a video instead of a step-by-step procedure document with the product. Demo videos must be kept short. Digital agencies can use a video trimmer to shorten the video to an optimal size for maximum growth. A best practice is to have a lot of raw footage that can be used in many different ways.

Higher Performance and Returns

There are statistics all over the Internet on how video ads perform better and give more returns to digital marketing agencies. Instead of focusing on numbers, experiment. Use different ad formats with the same marketing message and target it to the same audience. Spend the same budget on all the ads. 

Once all of them run for a fixed period, evaluate the data. It will be easy to notice that video ads outperform other forms of advertising. You will also see that the return on investment for video ads is also higher. Experiments are an easy way to see how video ads and content can help digital marketing organizations grow their business.

Easy to Optimize for SEO

If you look at any search engine, you will notice that the top results are videos most of the time. Search engines reward videos with a high ranking relevant to the search keywords. It shows how important search engines consider video content.

Digital marketing organizations can work backward and create video content based on the most relevant keywords to the brand. Marketing agencies must invest in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in their video creation process. SEO improves the chance of the videos showing up in the top search results. These top search results drive the most traffic to the landing pages.

Low Barrier to entering Video Advertising

Startups run on shoestring marketing budgets. Low budgets need not stop digital marketing agencies from creating sophisticated video marketing strategies. Video advertising does not need professional content creators. A simple smartphone, a reliable audio device, and a strong storyboard are needed to create a video ad.

The barrier to entering the video advertising landscape is much lower than people assume. Apart from low production costs, most large media platforms provide video ad formats to suit all advertisers. Digital marketing organizations must take advantage of this to grow. 

Better Control of the Marketing Storyline

Marketing messages are as effective as the engagement they attract. The most successful video content that contributes to the growth of the digital marketing agencies has strong storylines. Creating impactful videos is easier than ever now.

It is easy for a person with little or no experience in making videos. You can create awesome videos with free online video editing software. Add embellishments to your marketing videos before uploading them by using a good video editor and cutting the footage to the required size with a good video cutter.

Clear, crisp, and relatable video content relays a strong brand presence. Marketing agencies can build on it and create a persona for the brand. You can use an established persona to layer marketing messages seamlessly. 

You can use long-form and short-form videos to share your marketing messages. Not all video formats work well on all media platforms. To maximize growth, digital marketing agencies must find optimal video formats for specific media platforms.

Improved Recall

Association is what drives sales, and videos create a strong association. Digital marketing organizations looking for growth must focus on maximizing recall. A recall is a metric that tells you if a particular advertisement or content resulted in a sale. Videos make people remember the brand and thus improve recall. 

There are two distinct times when recall becomes important. The first is when a customer buys from the company for the first time. The second is when the customer gives repeat business. Marketing teams can align their video messages to these two events to achieve recall resulting in a sale.


There is no debate that videos help companies and even digital marketing organizations grow. Investing in a strong video posting strategy, optimizing for specific media platforms, and posting consistently go a long way.

If you are a digital marketing agency hungry for growth, you know where to focus your energies. You guessed it right, videos! You can easily build your video content if you want to do a little research. Alternatively, enlist a professional video agency and let them do the job. Either way, do not ignore videos in your marketing strategy for growth.

Hope this article helpful for you. Thank You

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